Rafael’s Gold

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Will the film crew discover sunken gold? Will the film star lose to her rival? If they find gold, who will be left alive to share it? Alongside the story of their quest is a tale from the Spanish Armada itself, a tale of love and tragedy, revealed in documents from the time.

A 21st century quest for sunken treasure is interlaced with love and tragedy from the time of the Spanish Armada. King Philip’s quest to defeat and subdue upstart Britain under Queen Elizabeth 1st is in stark contrast to the very different quest of a film crew in a hired boat off the wild coast of northern Scotland.

While at least one of the team is convinced he knows the location of a previously undiscovered wreck and its treasures, others on board are more excited by their lead presenter, a glamorous film star. She is not worried about the men – she had dealt with amorous male advances all her life. She is more concerned that she might be eclipsed by her younger and perhaps equally attractive body double.

But there is more at stake than romantic rivalry. There is a fortune in Spanish gold.
And someone doesn’t want to share it.

Russell is published by Prospero and can be found on:Facebook

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